INBDE Integrated National Board Dental Exam Prep - Question List

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121. During fetal life, the following vessels carry blood with the highest oxygen content:
  1. aorta
  2. pulmonary arteries
  3. umbilical arteries
  4. umbilical vein
122. Where are the nerve cell bodies for the pain fibers in the face area located?
  1. mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
  2. motor trigeminal nucleus
  3. principal sensory trigeminal nucleus
  4. trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion
123. Most blood vessels dilate under hypoxic conditions. In which arterial region does hypoxia cause vasoconstriction?
  1. coronary arteries
  2. GI arteries
  3. pulmonary arteries
  4. renal arteries
124. What is the most suitable common treatment for tooth avulsion?
  1. Reimplantation and splinting
  2. RCT
  3. Extraction and RCT
  4. Antibiotic cover with pain killers
125. What is the best recommended treatment for reversible pulpitis?
  1. RCT
  2. Filling
  3. Extraction
  4. Incision & drainage

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