Criminal Justice Addictions Professional Exam Prep - Question List

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36. In which group developmental stage does the counselor see the most individual progress?
  1. As storming occurs establishment within the group occurs.
  2. Performing is another name for fragmentation.
  3. Performing is another way to confront in a group.
  4. In a cohesive group they work together; they perform as a unit.
37. Denial is a defense mechanism that utilizes forces in our personality to override a belief. Which force, Id, superego or ego, is most likely used for individuals to continue drinking or drugging?
  1. The Id operates on the reality principle.
  2. The superego is our conscience providing our moral code and the awareness of right and wrong.
  3. The ego operates on the reality principle taking care of the realistic and logical part of our personality.
38. What counseling theories focused on unfinished business from the past and the here and now?
  1. Gestalt
  2. Person-Centered therapy
  3. Reality Therapy

A treatment plan is an assessment of resources utilized by the client to achieve the goals that the client and the counselor establish. The goals will be long turn and short turn goals. The plan will also identify the strengths, weaknesses, and planned treatment methods used to reach the goals.

What resources can the treatment plan can list resources for a fifty-year-old widowed man employed as an investment broker for thirty years that lives alone in a large city and whose goal is to continue sobriety?

  1. AA
  2. MCA
  3. A cruise to as an award by for the work he had done in treatment.

Observations of client's behavior are an important part of the gathering of assessments in a treatment plan. Which statement is not correct?

  1. Observations by other treatment clients are often considered during the treatment process
  2. Family member's observations about a client are always considered reliable
  3. Client's lab tests are not considered part of the assessments. That information is kept in the lab so that it can be compared with other lab tests
  4. None of the above

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