CPCE Exam Prep - Question List

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141. When acting as a consultant to another counselor, what skills might be the most helpful?
  1. Active listening skills
  2. Organization skills
  3. Time management skills
  4. Relaxation skills
142. A classification system developed by a task force of the American Psychiatric Association would be ___________________.
  1. The DRCI-V
  2. The MMCD-IV
  3. The DMS-II
  4. The DSM-V
143. Does the DSM-V explain the causes of disorders?
  1. Yes
  2. For specific categories of disorders
  3. Only for disorders where the causes are well-known
  4. No

The first edition of the DSM was published in 1952. When was the last edition, DSM-V, issued?

  1. 1987
  2. 1994
  3. 2001
  4. 2013
145. Why do they need to keep changing the manual?
  1. New information
  2. Changes in the way abnormal behaviors are viewed
  3. To change the descriptions and categories
  4. All of the above

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