CompTIA Security+ Exam Prep - Question List

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401. Which of the following are required to be a part of the Crisis Management Center? Select all that apply.
  1. Emergency electrical generator
  2. Telephone access
  3. Access control measures
  4. All of the above
402. Damage and Impact Assessment is part of which stage of the Business Continuity Plan?
  1. Readiness
  2. Prevention
  3. Response
  4. Recovery and Resumption
403. How would you explain the purpose of the Recovery and Resumption phase of the Business Continuity Plan to a new hire in your organization, such as Mr. Newbie?
  1. It is the process of responding when a crisis happens
  2. It is the process of bringing the organization out of the crisis and returning it to normal operations
  3. It is the process of cleaning up after a crisis has occurred
  4. It is the process of identifying the root cause for the crisis and preventing it from reoccurring
404. Cipher locks are keyless and use keypads to control access into an area or facility. These locks have several functionalities that increase their effectiveness. Which item is not one of these functionalities?
  1. Door Delay
  2. Key Override
  3. Laser Delay
  4. Hostage Alarm
405. Security guards can fail at checking every individual entering a building. One way to avoid possible intruders is for a company to use user-activated readers. Which item(s) is/are not a user-activated reader?
  1. System Sensing Access Control Readers
  2. Proximity Devices
  3. Transponders
  4. All of the Above

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