CompTIA Security+ Exam Prep - Question List

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371. Zebra Inc. owns two buildings within a 100 mile radius. This was a purposeful decision so that if a disaster were to strike, there would be a redundant site. What should be the minimum distance between Zebra Inc.’s two buildings for regional disasters?
  1. 25 Miles
  2. 50 Miles
  3. 100 Miles
  4. 125 Miles
372. Where shouldn’t business continuity and disaster recovery plans be kept once completed?
  1. In a bank volt
  2. Fireproof safe
  3. File Cabinet
  4. At the BCP coordinator’s home
373. Which plan or policy helps an organization determine how to relocate to an emergency site?
  1. Privacy plan
  2. Backup site plan
  3. Privilege management policy
  4. Disaster recovery plan
374. Which site best provides limited capabilities for the restoration of services in a disaster?
  1. Hot site
  2. Warm site
  3. Backup site
  4. Cold site
375. John is expecting a possible e-mail server failure in his organization. Which of the following sites should he be dependent on?
  1. Fast site
  2. Cold site
  3. Warm site
  4. Hot site

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