Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS Adult Practice Test - Question List

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61. A nurse is assessing the living arrangement of a client with Alzheimer’s disease. The client is currently living with his daughter’s family. Which of the following indicates a good adjustment to the living arrangement?
  1. “Dealing with his condition is difficult. We have to hire home health aides to help with the work.”
  2. “He seems to have more lucid moments now; we’re working on establishing a daily routine.”
  3. “Sometimes I just want to give up on this job, but we’re all that he has.”
  4. “I think we bit off more than we can chew; the last few weeks have been really hard.”
62. A 27-year-old woman has died after falling from a ladder and hitting her head on the floor. The nurse is providing grief support to the client’s husband and four-year-old daughter. When observing the child, the nurse should be aware that this child may react by:
  1. Expressing strong emotional reaction
  2. Feeling responsible for her mother’s death
  3. Being concerned about who will take care of her
  4. Screaming and withdrawing from others
63. A group of physicians attending a patient with hepatic cirrhosis are discussing possible treatments for variceal bleeding. The physicians were planning to give a sclerosant. The nurse, a part of the health care team, knows that the immediate complication involved with this drug is:
  1. Substernal chest pain
  2. Pneumothorax
  3. Esophageal strictures
  4. Mucosal ulceration
64. Johnny, a 39-year-old bartender, is admitted because of a growing tumor in the larynx. A nurse is preparing him for a hemilaryngectomy. When planning care, the nurse recognizes which of the following as the procedure’s most common post-op complication?
  1. Bleeding
  2. Aspiration
  3. Changes in voice quality
  4. Wound care
65. A client admitted for treatment of pressure ulcers on the left heel is being assessed by the nurse. The nurse documents that the wound is red, soft and bleeds easily, indicating second intention of wound healing. This wound type is managed by:
  1. Application of dry dressing
  2. Packing with wet sterile dressing and then covering with dry sterile dressing
  3. Tight packing with sterile saline dressing
  4. Lightly covering the wound with thin, dry gauze

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