Chemical Dependency Counselor CCDC Exam Prep - Question List

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Which of these group development stages is the least demanding stage for the councilor in the development of a effective group?

  1. Forming.
  2. Discussing.
  3. Reflecting.
  4. Performing.

In the stages of crisis intervention assessment which stage is least important?

  1. Discover what led to the crisis.
  2. Look at precipitating events.
  3. Assess the client's present psychosocial state.
  4. Collaboratively define the problem with the client.

What is the advantage of the empathetic counseling approach?

  1. There is no advantage.
  2. It discourages self rationalization
  3. It enhances another person's experience by mirroring it back to them.
  4. It provides through sympathy and understanding.
34. What is storming?
  1. Pecking group order.
  2. A method of controlling the group.
  3. The determination of power with in the group.
  4. The attempt to take power from the leader.
35. A patient currently in treatment for thirty year span of alcohol abuse and three treatment stays is arguing that he should not need to go to group therapy. What would be the best argument for the counselor to use for him to attend group?
  1. Interpersonal learning.
  2. Increased social skills.
  3. A group is not appropriate for this client.
  4. Identification of plans needed to change behavior.

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