CEN Practice Exam (Certified Emergency Nurse) - Question List

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191. A patient inquires about the therapeutic uses of marijuana. You know that marijuana is used for what therapeutic use?
  1. Stimulating appetite
  2. Stimulating the patient to become more organized and motivated
  3. Reducing stress
  4. Antibacterial agent
192. Your patient is starting on disulfiram (Antabuse) for alcohol withdrawal. What is the highest priority for this patient?
  1. Social reintegration
  2. Learning about the disease
  3. Remaining abstinent
  4. Remaining in rehab
193. You are caring for a patient who will be transitioning to outpatient care. What statement by the patient would lead you to believe the patient is at risk for relapse?
  1. The patient has been dreaming about gambling and compulsive sex.
  2. The patient is unhappy.
  3. The patient is hungry and tired
  4. The patient has been keeping thoughts of using a secret
194. You are caring for a patient who complains of sexual dysfunction. The patient was admitted for alcohol dependence. What education should you provide this patient on sexual dysfunction and alcohol abuse?
  1. Alcohol abuse increases desire and performance ability.
  2. Alcohol abuse leads to headaches and too-tired syndrome.
  3. Alcohol abuse leads to hyperarousal and premature ejaculation.
  4. Alcohol abuse decreases desire and ability to perform.
195. Your patient stopped drinking abruptly and now complains of feeling wired and being on pins and needles. What should your next intervention be?
  1. Monitor the patient for other symptoms.
  2. Determine the time of last drink, and assess the patient for other signs and symptoms of withdrawal.
  3. Assess the patient for all current substance use patterns, including time of last usage and withdrawal.
  4. Notify the physician to get an order for stimulate medication.

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