CEN Practice Exam (Certified Emergency Nurse) - Question List

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141. You are caring for a patient who has been in a multiple trauma that has lead to severe blood loss. What type of device will you need to acquire to transfuse several units of blood quickly?
  1. Cardiac monitor
  2. Pulse oximetry
  3. Blood warming device
  4. Infusion controller
142. You began administering blood to a patient 45 minutes ago. You enter the room to assess the patient and find the patient flushed and dyspneic. On auscultation the patient has crackles in the bases of both lungs. What complication of blood transfusion therapy is the patient most likely experiencing?
  1. Hypovolemia
  2. Transfusion reaction
  3. Fluid overload
  4. Bacteremia
143. You are caring for a patient who is receiving a platelet transfusion. Which of the following would indicate a therapeutic effect of the transfusion?
  1. A decrease in temperature
  2. A decrease of blood oozing from puncture sites and gums
  3. An increase hemoglobin
  4. An increase hematocrit
144. You are preparing to give a patient a transfusion. The patient states that in previous transfusions he has always developed a rash. What medication do you suspect the physician will order prior to the transfusion?
  1. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, aspirin)
  3. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  4. Ibuprofen (Motrin)
145. You are caring for a patient in hypovalemic shock who will require plasma expansion. What do you suspect the physician will order?
  1. Cryoprecipitate
  2. Packed red blood cells
  3. Albumin
  4. Platelets

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