CEN Practice Exam (Certified Emergency Nurse) - Question List

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91. Your patient has been admitted to the hospital following a suicide attempt by hanging. What would be important to include in this patient plan of care to maintain patient safety?
  1. Assign a staff member to the patient at all times.
  2. Place the patient in a seclusion room.
  3. Place the patient in a hospital gown.
  4. Have another patient stay with the patient.
92. Your patient was brought to the emergency department by the police. He has serious lacerations on both wrists. What would the nurse’s first priority be?
  1. Examine and treat both wounds.
  2. Get a complete history from the patient.
  3. Work with the patient to discuss feelings.
  4. Give anti-anxiety medication.
93. You are caring for a suicidal patient with a plan. You have developed a plan of care. What would the outcome of your plan of care be?
  1. Coping and problem solving skills
  2. Less anxiety and agitation
  3. Develops a relationship with staff and peers
  4. Denies suicidal ideations and identifies options to deal with stressors
94. You are caring for a patient with major depression. The patient has become unable to complete her activities of daily living (ADLs). What intervention should the nurse take to help this patient?
  1. Complete all ADLs for the patient until the patient is able to do so for herself.
  2. Adjust the patient’s schedule so that there is enough time for her to complete all her ADLs.
  3. Give the patient consequences for not completing ADLs.
  4. Have peers confront the patient on how noncompliance affects the unit.
95. Your patient in the emergency department has been sexually assaulted. The patient is withdrawn, confused and at times physically withdrawn. You realize that these behaviors are:
  1. Sign of the patients increased risk for suicide
  2. An indication of the patient’s need for admission
  3. Signs of depression
  4. Normal reactions to sexual assault

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