CEN Practice Exam (Certified Emergency Nurse) - Question List

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61. Which of the following patients would the nurse want to delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel?
  1. A patient whose husband died and needs to talk
  2. A patient with a nasogastric feedings and foley catheter
  3. A patient with leakage from an ostomy
  4. An ambulatory patient who has been on the unit for 3 days
62. You are preparing the assignment for the day. You have one licensed practical nurse (LPN) and one unlicensed assistive staff member. Which of the following assignments would you not want to make?
  1. LPN to reinforce discharge instruction with a patient
  2. Unlicensed personnel to take vital signs and to document and report any changes
  3. Unlicensed personnel to assess effectiveness of pain medication
  4. LPN to remove dressing from an abdominal wound on a postoperative patient

When a registered nurse (RN) decides to delegate care to unlicensed personnel, what should the RN take into consideration when delegating care?

  1. Amount of support from RN
  2. Complexity of nursing tasks
  3. Amount of time the staff member will need to complete care
  4. Capability of the staff member to perform assessments
64. You are observing one of the RNs on the unit administer medication. What action by the nurse would lead you to conclude there is a risk for a medication error?
  1. Answering a physician’s page while giving medication
  2. Documenting in military time
  3. Asking for help with calculations
  4. Holding a medication that the patient questions
65. You are delegating to a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to wound care on a patient. The LPN has never performed this type of wound care before. What component of delegation have you neglected?
  1. Authority
  2. Competency
  3. Communication
  4. Responsibility

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