Cardiac-Vascular Nursing Exam Prep II - Question List

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61. Which of the following sets of drugs might slow the conduction through AV node and cause second degree heart block?
  1. Digoxin, statins, nitrates
  2. Procainamide, statins, fibrates
  3. Digoxin, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers
  4. Calcium channel blockers, potassium channel openers
62. A patient who has been diagnosed with aneurysm in femoral artery during routine screening wants to know about the available treatment options. What the nurse should explain this patient regarding treatment?
  1. No treatment is necessary
  2. Follow up every month
  3. Immediately undergo surgery
  4. Undergo angioplasty if aneurysm starts causing symptom
63. A patient has been diagnosed with aortic aneurysm of abdominal aorta having a diameter of 3.5 cm. What advice should the nurse give this patient about follow-up?
  1. Come for follow up every year
  2. Come for follow up after 5 years
  3. Come for follow up every 2-3 years
  4. No need to come for follow up
64. The incorrect statement about Buerger’s disease is:
  1. Buerger’s disease is a rare disorder
  2. Complications of the disease are ulcerations, infections, and gangrene
  3. The disease is more common in men than in women
  4. Another name for the disease is Raynaud’s disease
65. Which of the following is true about atherosclerotic plaque formation?
  1. Plaque formation is caused by an acute inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  2. Plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and epithelial injury where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  3. Plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  4. Plaque formation is caused by an acute inflammatory response and epithelial injury where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries

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