Cardiac Subspecialty Certification (CSC) Exam - Question List

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Which characteristic below accurately describes a T wave?

  1. Frequently hard to detect in a normal EKG
  2. Suggests ischemia if inverted
  3. Prominent peaks may indicate myocardial infarction or hyperkalemia
  4. Is normally perfectly symmetrical

Which leads on the EKG view the electrical activity of the heart on the horizontal plane?

  1. Leads I through III
  2. Bipolar leads
  3. Augmented unipolar leads
  4. Unipolar precordial leads

What is the condition called when the SA node fails to depolarize the atria?

  1. Sinus pause
  2. Cardiac failure
  3. Atrial flutter
  4. Hypersensitization

What is a Wenckebach AV block?

  1. A delay in the conduction of the impulse through the AV junction
  2. Increasingly difficult AV node conduction showing a P wave not followed by a QRS complex on EKG
  3. A delayed AV conduction at the bundle braches
  4. No conduction of impulse from the atria to the ventricles

Which atrioventricular block does not impair cardiac function?

  1. Hemiblock
  2. First-degree block
  3. Mobitz I block
  4. Right bundle branch block

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