CAHSEE Math and Reading Practice Questions - Question List

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The division of your company that you oversee contains 18 employees whose total salary last year was $855,000. The average salary of all company employees with the same level of responsibility and qualifications is $50,000. Is your department above or below the company average?

  1. Below by 20%
  2. Above by 10%
  3. Below by 5%
  4. Above by 15%
7. All data can be divided into four equal sections that are called:
  1. Quartiles
  2. Quagmires
  3. Quadrants
  4. Quarternaries
8. What is the mode for the following set of numbers? 27, 29, 26, 25, 24, 22, 26, 21, 23, 28
  1. 25.5
  2. 26
  3. 25.1
  4. 22
9. Using data to predict what might occur in the future, beyond what the data set has explicitly demonstrated, is called:
  1. Variable anticipation
  2. The futures market
  3. Predicate analysis
  4. Extrapolation
10. Data that is weighted toward one end of the numerical range in which it occurs is:
  1. Diverse
  2. Peaked
  3. Overweight
  4. Skewed

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