ATF Special Agent Exam Prep - Question List

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26. The administrative assistant at a law enforcement training academy purchases badges priced at $32 each for all the graduates of the academy. The last training class graduated 25 new officers. What is the total amount of money the academy will spend for the badges for these new officers, if the badge vendor provides the Academy a 20% discount on each badge?
  1. $ 800
  2. $ 790
  3. $ 640
  4. $ 16
  5. None of these
27. The U.S. Government will seek extradition of each of the defendants to the United States.
  1. Change of each to each
  2. Change of each to to each
  3. Change defendantsto to defendants per
  4. Change defendantsto to defendants of
  5. No correction is necessary
28. Ms. Reece was a primary suspect, and the fraudulent credit cards were eventually traced back to she and Mr. Hanes.
  1. Change she and Mr. Hanesto Mr. Hanes and she
  2. Change she and Mr. Hanesto her and Mr. Hanes
  3. Change she and Mr. Hanesto she and he
  4. Change she and Mr. Hanesto her and he
  5. No correction is necessary
29. The suspect who confessed to taking the money explained that he was desperate and there was no __________ available.
  1. Substitute
  2. Alternate
  3. Decision
  4. Alternative
  5. Expedient
30. Police have received more than twenty reports of _____________ bills at restaurants and grocery stores since the beginning of September.
  1. Counterfit
  2. Counterfeit
  3. Counterfet
  4. Counterfete
  5. Counterfitt

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