AP World History Exam Prep - Question List

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41. Why did the development of agriculture lead to a dramatic increase in population?
  1. The development of agriculture led to the end of the nomadic life.
  2. People no longer had to hunt and gather, which was highly dangerous.
  3. Farming led to a more stable source of food, which allowed for larger families and permanent homes.
  4. Agriculture and farming provided a much healthier diet than hunting and gathering did.
42. Why are rivers thought to be so important to the development of the first civilizations?
  1. Rivers slowed down the growth of cities.
  2. Rivers greatly discouraged ocean travel.
  3. Rivers encouraged growth of urban areas and agriculture.
  4. River slowed down the invention of agriculture.
43. Why did the Zhou dynasty in China last so long?
  1. The leaders of the Zhou dynasty were positively ruthless.
  2. The Zhou dynasty’s leaders prevented average citizens from acquiring weapons.
  3. The Zhou dynasty innovated technology and obligated leaders to rule fairly, due to an increase in political sophistication.
  4. The Zhou dynasty did not have to deal with the issues of Confucianism.
44. Under the social hierarchies of Hinduism and Confucianism, the value of what group is demonstrated?
  1. Scholars
  2. Women
  3. Government officials
  4. Peasants
45. Of the following groups of religious, which two gave women access to spiritual salvation?
  1. Christianity and Buddhism
  2. Christianity and Judaism
  3. Confucianism and Buddhism
  4. Daoism and Christianity

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