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The statute necessarily interferes with the right of contract between the employer and employees.... The general right to make a part of the liberty of the individual protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.... Under that provision, no State can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The right to purchase or sell labor is part of the liberty protected by this amendment....
- Justice Peckham, delivering the majority opinion of the Court
It is plain that this statute was enacted in order to protect the physical well-being of those who work in bakeries.... The statute must be taken as expressing the belief of the people of New York that, as a general rule, labor in excess of sixty hours a week...may endanger the health of those who thus labor.... Our duty, I submit, is to sustain the statute as not being in conflict with the Federal Constitution.
- Justice Harlan, in his dissenting opinion
What was the effect of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Lochner v. New York?
The statute necessarily interferes with the right of contract between the employer and employees.... The general right to make a part of the liberty of the individual protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.... Under that provision, no State can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The right to purchase or sell labor is part of the liberty protected by this amendment....
- Justice Peckham, delivering the majority opinion of the Court
It is plain that this statute was enacted in order to protect the physical well-being of those who work in bakeries.... The statute must be taken as expressing the belief of the people of New York that, as a general rule, labor in excess of sixty hours a week...may endanger the health of those who thus labor.... Our duty, I submit, is to sustain the statute as not being in conflict with the Federal Constitution.
- Justice Harlan, in his dissenting opinion
Which of the following arguments supports the majority decision?
The statute necessarily interferes with the right of contract between the employer and employees.... The general right to make a part of the liberty of the individual protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.... Under that provision, no State can deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The right to purchase or sell labor is part of the liberty protected by this amendment....
- Justice Peckham, delivering the majority opinion of the Court
It is plain that this statute was enacted in order to protect the physical well-being of those who work in bakeries.... The statute must be taken as expressing the belief of the people of New York that, as a general rule, labor in excess of sixty hours a week...may endanger the health of those who thus labor.... Our duty, I submit, is to sustain the statute as not being in conflict with the Federal Constitution.
- Justice Harlan, in his dissenting opinion
Which of the following is the best way to summarize the difference between the two opinions?
Most democratic countries elect legislatures through one of two types of electoral systems: single-member district or proportional representation. In single-member district systems, citizens in specific areas vote for candidates who represent their districts. In proportional representation systems, citizens in the country vote for political parties. Parties are then awarded seats in the legislature proportionate to the percentage of the vote they have won. In other words, if a party wins 20 percent of the vote, it receives 20 percent of the seats in the legislature.
Which of the following is the best argument that a proportional representation system is better than a single-member district system?
Most democratic countries elect legislatures through one of two types of electoral systems: single-member district or proportional representation. In single-member district systems, citizens in specific areas vote for candidates who represent their districts. In proportional representation systems, citizens in the country vote for political parties. Parties are then awarded seats in the legislature proportionate to the percentage of the vote they have won. In other words, if a party wins 20 percent of the vote, it receives 20 percent of the seats in the legislature.
Which of the following is the best argument that a single-member district system is better than a proportional representation system?