AP Chemistry Exam Prep - Question List

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41. What type of bonding does a molecule of O2 display?
  1. Ionic
  2. Polar covalent
  3. Nonpolar covalent
  4. Metallic
  5. Covalent metallic
42. Which of the following compounds contains an oxygen atom with a -1 oxidation number?
  1. H2O
  2. CO2
  3. Na2O2
  4. Al2O3
  5. MgO
43. A fixed quantity of a gas undergoes a change in temperature from 100 K to 200 K and a change in pressure from 2 atm to 1 atm. After theses changes, the volume of the gas is
  1. Half of the original volume
  2. Unchanged
  3. Twice the original volume
  4. Four times the original volume
  5. Eight times the original volume
44. The emission spectrum of an element is:
  1. The spectrum given off by a heated gas when its excited electrons release photons
  2. The spectrum observed from a cool gas, where black lines on the spectrum indicate photons used to excite electrons
  3. The spectrum given off by a cool gas when its excited electrons release photons
  4. The spectrum observed from a heated gas, where black lines on the spectrum indicate photons used to excite electrons.
  5. The range of gases emitted during a chemical reaction.
Ice melting is endothermic reaction. True or false?

  1. True
  2. False

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