ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep - Question List

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36. Emergency treatment for an acute asthmatic attack is Adrenaline 1:1000 given hypodermically. This is given to:
  1. Increase BP
  2. Decrease mucosal swelling
  3. Relax the bronchial smooth muscle
  4. Decrease bronchial secretions

The patient has a tracheostomy in the neurology ward. As part of your routine care, you will perform suctioning because of the presence of secretions. It is important to follow which correct technique?

  1. The suction pressure should be between 100 to 120 mmHg.
  2. Hyperoxygenate the client before and after suctioning.
  3. While advancing the suction catheter, occlude the Y-port of the catheter.
  4. Use intermittent suction in the airway for up to 20 seconds.
38. Auscultation of a client’s lungs reveals rales (crackles) in the left posterior base. The nursing intervention is to:
  1. Repeat auscultation after asking the client to take deep breaths and cough.
  2. Instruct the client to limit fluid intake to less than 2000 mL/day.
  3. Inspect the client’s ankles and sacrum for the presence of edema.
  4. Place the client on bed rest in a semi-Fowler’s position.
39. A client undergoes below the knee amputation following a vehicular accident. Three days postoperatively, the client is refusing to eat, talk, or perform any rehabilitative activities. The best initial nursing approach would be to:
  1. Give him an explanation of why there is a need to quickly increase his activity
  2. Emphasize repeatedly that with his prosthesis, he will be able to return to his normal lifestyle.
  3. Appear cheerful and non-critical, regardless of his response to attempts at intervention.
  4. Accept and acknowledge that his withdrawal is an initially normal and necessary part of grieving.
40. Rhoda Miller has returned to the clinic 72 hours following a tuberculin skin test with an induration of about 5 to 6 mm at the administration site. She is visibly upset and states, “I can’t believe I have TB!” Which statement by the nurse is appropriate?
  1. “You’ll need to put on a mask and wear it whenever you are around other people.”
  2. “The doctor will prescribe Isoniazid for you to take for the next 3 months.”
  3. “This finding does not confirm TB; it may indicate a recent exposure to tuberculosis.”
  4. “We’ll need to do a chest x-ray. This may be falsely positive because of your history of diabetes.”

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