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A newborn baby was diagnosed with a navel infection due to Tetanus bacillus caused by the accidental use of nonsterile instruments during the delivery. Assign the correct ICD-10 code for this case.
Miss Helen gave birth to a boy who is diagnosed with spina bifida of the thoracic region with hydrocephalus. What is the appropriate ICD-10 code for the diagnosis in the child?
Amy, a 17-year-old teenager, presents for a medical examination so that she can be cleared to play in the state football team. Choose the correct ICD-10 code for this case.
Mr. Ronald was brought to the emergency department of the hospital in an unconscious state. After a clinical examination and CT scan, the diagnosis was made that he is in a coma because of cerebral infarction caused due to thrombosis in the cerebral artery. What is the correct ICD-10 code for this case?
Mr. Robbinson was admitted to the emergency department due to sudden pain in the chest, shortness of breath, and dizziness. He has a history of high BP and type II diabetes mellitus. Based on clinical examination and ECG reports, the diagnosis was made as acute myocardial infarction. He was admitted for the treatment of MI. What is the appropriate ICD-10 code for this case?